Customer Testimonials

Interested in the John Deere ExactEmerge technology? Hear what Rod Backhaus of Manilla, Iowa has to say about it. 

Read about it here: Rod B - Feature JD EE planter

Watch the video here:

Do you know what Horizon Precision Services are? Learn more about our customer service contract from Levi Ullrich of Ullrich Ag in Kiron, Iowa.

Read about it here: HPS Support Testimonial - Levi Ullrich

Watch the video here: 

Looking for an easy way to keep track of everything within your operation AND have it all in one spot? Look no further than John Deere OperationsCenter™. Scott Cranston of Ida Grove, Iowa finds it to be one of the most useful tools for the operation. Take a look at what he says below. 

Read about it here: OperationsCenter™ Customer Testimonial - Scott Cranston

Watch the video here: 

Have you ever seen this before? Horizon Equipment has been lucky enough to be working with one of the few C451R John Deere balers in the United States. This new baler applies silage wrap to the bale before it ever touches the ground. Hear from the owners, operators and service techs who have been working with this beast! Be sure to leave a comment and share with your friends!